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Pakistani doctor. Standing for peace, love, democracy and tolerance, within Pakistan and with the neighbors.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Famine, No War in Democracy

Congratulations to every one. the people have won their freedom in the heart of the arab world.

while following the egyptian revolution, i saw these remarkable claims:

1. famines do not occur in functioning democracies.  

! جمہوریت میں قحط نہیں پڑتا


2. democracies never fight wars with each other.


there is lot of direct evidence that famine has never occured in a democracy. no one has been able to find an exception since it was first claimed by nobel winner bengali amartiya sen.

democracies can be cruel and unfair. they attack other non-democratic countries. but even america has never attacked a democracy anywhere! and of course there are border clashes between democracies, e.g. pakistan and india, but never all out war.

democratic governments can be removed more easily by their people, so they will do everything to make sure that people do not die in large number due to war or famine.

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